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Dingle Food Festival

Friday 4th - Sun 6th October 2024


Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabháil leis na gnónna iomadúla sa Daingean a chuir urraíocht ar fáil don bhféile. Gan seo ní bheimis in ann an fhéile a chur ar siúl. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh tairbhe as an bhféile, ní i rith an deireadh seachtaine féin amháin, ach anuas air sin ó lucht freastail na féile a bheith ag filleadh ar an gceantar.


We would like to thank the many businesses in Dingle who provide sponsorship for the festival. Without it the festival could not happen. We hope you will benefit from the festival not only over the weekend but from return visits from festival goers.

2024 Sponsors

Kerry County Council
Fáilte Ireland
Dingle Distillery

2024 Patrons